World of warships aim assist link
World of warships aim assist link

world of warships aim assist link

No blinking stopwatch will give you that. Mix that with the knowledge of the game mechanics and your a good player. The skill factor in this game is situational awareness, planning ahead, interpreting the given information and knowing what your ship can and cannot do. If someone can't even properly lead a target after X games with trial and error he is not just bad at this game but has the mental capacities of a brick wall. The shooting itself is the easiest thing in this game. It is stupid that ppl who put a lot of time into aiming properly get put into shade cause of something like this, and now everybody can be good with a little practice and little usage of brain cells to anticipate. The point is they will hit you easier then they should. Nobody is turning 100% time in the match, and if you have ppl with this, they will hit you. A lot of ppl (majority) will never turn even if spotted, and a lot more will turn but not 100% of the game. It's all about making use of it properly. This gives huge advantage to anyone between huge noob and a good player. And all those who gonna say that you just need to turn in order to avoid this can spare me the crap. Sometimes ppl wonder how can someone pull off some crazy shots from big distances, well, practice practice practice and you get a "feel" for it eventually. it is making this game a joke and its personally a very very good game.

world of warships aim assist link

multiple youtube videos current patch of the aim assist for everyshot hits. The whole video he was just taking a small lead and searching for that spot, that's a no-brainer. Admins, go to youtube, or key word aim assist and aimbots for download or pay download and watch how the game is being destroyed by people to lazy or not skilled enough to work the way up.

world of warships aim assist link

So it is basicly possible to give my acc to some random person who never played ships before and with 5min practice and basic understanding of the game, he will be able to shoot like a monster.

World of warships aim assist link